5.4 million Insecticide Treated Nets (ITN) will be distributed to Kaduna residents for free as a preventive measure to fight Malaria.
While speaking at the Insecticide Treated Net Universal Coverage Campaign Media parley, representative of the National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) from the Federal Ministry of Health Mr. Omo-Eboh Mamudu, revealed that malaria is one of the world’s killer diseases.
The mass campaign was led by the Kaduna State Ministry of Health and the State Primary Healthcare Development Agency with the Technical Support of Society for Family Health and National Malaria Elimination Program(NMEP).
Mr Mamudu opined that if Malaria is not well treated it will pose danger to the life of the patient.
According to Mamudu, “A that a total of 5,471,028 ITNs will be distributed to the people of Kaduna through a door-to-door approach to all the populace of Kaduna State. The objective of the ITN mass campaign is to ensure that every 2 persons in Kaduna, has a net to sleep inside.”
The Director Technical and Programs for Family Health Society, Mr John Ocholi, said in year 2019, 5.1 million nets were distributed in Kaduna.
He however urged the media to partner with the society to educate the general public on the importance of putting the treated nets to use.
Ministry of Health Representative, Maryam Kure, further revealed that the household registration and distribution of the nets will commence on 7th July and end on 18 July, 2022.