Belarus Eyes Collaborative Healthcare Ventures with African Nations

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Belarus is set to forge healthcare partnerships with African countries, as announced by Aleksandr Khodzhayev, the Belarusian Healthcare Minister. In an interview with Belarus 1 TV channel on January 28, Khodzhayev outlined plans to extend support to African nations in bolstering their healthcare systems, with a focus on collaborative efforts and service exports.

Upon his appointment as the new minister, Khodzhayev highlighted the strategic importance of augmenting service exports and extending assistance to African countries for healthcare development. He emphasized the groundwork already laid, with delegations actively working on various facets of collaboration.

President Aleksandr Lukashenko, during the appointment, expressed confidence in the existing collaborative framework. “I didn’t have to start from scratch. The delegations have worked out all the aspects of interaction; people have been put in charge of cooperation. We are going to analyze the agreements, set new targets, and closely monitor their effectiveness,” stated Minister Khodzhayev.

Belarus has identified Equatorial Guinea and Zimbabwe among the African nations for potential collaboration. Minister Khodzhayev stressed the novelty of the African region in terms of medical competencies for Belarus. He acknowledged the heightened interest from these countries and the significant potential for Belarusian pharmaceutical services, including specialist training, to meet the demand in African healthcare systems.

“The African region is partly new to us in terms of medical competencies. The interest of these countries in this direction is very high. Our pharmaceutical industry needs to promote its services, to build up exports. Many of our services will be in demand in African countries, including the training of specialists,” noted Khodzhayev.

The close monitoring and evaluation of these collaborations are expected to ensure effective outcomes and the continued strengthening of healthcare ties between Belarus and its African partners.

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