72nd Birthday: 7 Quotes from President Bola Ahmed Tinubu That Define His Leadership Style

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“I am for the legacy. I can tell you that with all honesty. I am here to create a greater Lagos.”

“Leaders must provide vision and not division. Leaders must provide unity and not be the agents of provocation.”

“You cannot plant beans today and expect to eat beans tomorrow. You have to wait. That is what life is all about.”

“Service to humanity is the best work of life.”

“Development is not about the bridges and roads and structures that we build; it is about the people.”

“In politics, you must have a lion heart. It’s not a tea party.”

“Leadership is about ensuring that the team works well together to achieve a common goal.”

Read more: President Tinubu to Launch 11 Natural Health Products in October 2024 to Revolutionize Healthcare in Nigeria

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