ENTREPRENEURS DILEMMA: “Staying or Leaving: The Hustle Chronicles of Jide”

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The Dreamer
Jide was 29, a sharp-minded young man with a degree in Economics from one of Nigeria’s top universities. The certificate sat proudly on his small desk, gathering a little dust, but a reminder that he wasn’t just any hustler. He’d come out with honors and had dreams of changing his life—and his country—in a big way. He was passionate about business, especially about creating something that could employ others and give back to the community. He didn’t just want to make money; he wanted to make an impact.

But, as with many things in Nigeria, his journey wasn’t easy. The moment he put his ideas into motion, he was hit with obstacles. First, there was the cost of basic supplies. Every week, he could see the prices rise like they were testing his patience. Then there were the never-ending power outages, which required him to spend a fortune on fuel for his small generator. On top of that, he faced heavy import fees for the few specialty items he needed for his startup. Jide often found himself lying awake at night, wondering if he’d bitten off more than he could chew.

The frustration was getting to him, and his fiancée, Amaka, wasn’t helping. “So this is what you want for us?” she demanded one evening after he explained yet another setback. “I know you love your business, but are you really okay with this struggle, Jide? We’ve been talking about starting a family. How are we going to do that when we’re barely getting by?”

Jide sighed, knowing what was coming. Amaka had a different vision for them. “Why don’t you just apply for something else? Look at all your classmates! Half of them are working for companies abroad or at least for big companies here. Even if it’s just temporary, Jide. Please, think about it,” she pleaded.

“Amaka, you know how much I’ve put into this,” he replied. “This business isn’t just a way to make money—it’s my dream. I want to prove that we can build something right here in Nigeria without having to leave.”

She rolled her eyes. “Dreams don’t pay the bills, Jide. I’m not saying you should give up. But if you don’t start looking for other options, I don’t know how much longer I can do this.”

Her words stung, and as she walked away, he felt torn. Part of him wanted to follow her advice, take a job that could guarantee them some stability, at least for a few years. But another part of him—a much larger part—wanted to dig in and see this business succeed.

The Dilemma
Every day, Jide found himself juggling between focusing on his business and preparing his résumé, just in case he decided to give in to Amaka’s insistence. The hustle to keep his business afloat had turned into a delicate dance. He’d start the day managing his orders and handling customers, only to end up struggling with budget cuts because something had suddenly become more expensive.

His friends often asked him why he didn’t just leave. “Jide, the world is big. You can always come back,” they said, trying to make it sound so simple. But for him, it was anything but. How could he abandon the very thing he had set out to build?

Amaka continued to badger him, texting articles about young Nigerian professionals who’d left for greener pastures. “Look at this couple, Jide! They’re living in Canada, thriving, and they’ve even opened their own business there! You could do the same,” she’d say.

Jide’s response was always the same. “Babe, if every talented person leaves, who will stay back to build this country?” But deep down, he couldn’t deny that her words were getting to him. What if he couldn’t handle the high costs? What if all his hard work never paid off?

As the weeks went by, Jide’s frustration only grew. Yet, every time he looked at the small progress he had made, he felt a renewed determination to stick it out. Yes, the odds were against him, but he was prepared to fight through the storm.

At least for now…

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