The UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Global Alliance for Literacy has welcomed Huawei as a member.
The company reportedly made this announcement at a summit on digital talent that was jointly held by both parties and the ILL, the GAL’s secretariat.
It added that it also signed a partnership agreement requiring it to finance an extension of the UIL’s present projects to improve educators’ use of technology in poor nations like Bangladesh, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Nigeria, and Pakistan where the UIL is already active.
David Atchoarena, the UIL’s director, said: “Our rapidly changing world calls for concerted efforts and strong partnerships to achieve quality education and lifelong learning for all.”
Vicky Zhang, vice president of corporate communications at Huawei, added: “Getting the right education is often the key to success in life.
“As a major player in the technology sector, Huawei feels it has a responsibility to provide technology skills in all parts of the world, trying our best to include as many people as possible. We are proud to join forces with UNESCO to better deliver on this responsibility.”