Africa News Nigeria Technology

Nigerian Scientist Invents Computer Chip that can “Smell” Explosives

Nigerians have always showcased talents anywhere they find themselves in the world. This time around, it’s in the technology industry

Meet Nigerian scientist, Oshiorenoya Agabi who has developed a computer that can recognize the smell of explosives and aid in bomb detection. This was unveiled at the TEDGlobal conference in Tanzania.

The Artificial Intelligence technology is named “Koniku Kore”. The system was made from a mixture of living neurons and silicon, with sensors that can detect and recognize smells.

He said this technology could be used to replace regular airport security and could provide the format for future robot production. This AI technology computer has earned Agabi many awards in the techy space. 

In an interview with BBC, Agabi described the computer mode of operation, “You can give the neurons instructions about what to do. In our case, we tell it to provide a receptor that can detect explosives”. The device can likewise be used to detect illness by sensing traits of disease in the air molecules that a patient sends out.

This company Koniku was launched over a year ago and has raised over 1 million dollars in recent funding. He said that the company is already making profits of about 10 million dollars and customers in the aviation and pharmaceutical industries are already buying it.

Agabi spoke alongside other speakers at the opening session of the four-day TEDGlobal conference in Tanzania which focused on putting African ideas, innovation, and creativity in the spotlight.

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