NFVCB Takes Action Against Vice Glamorization in Nollywood

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The NFVCB, under the leadership of Dr. Shaibu Husseini, has announced significant measures to combat the glorification of vices in Nigerian films. During a National Stakeholders Engagement on Smoke-Free Nollywood held in Enugu, Husseini revealed that the Federal Government has endorsed the prohibition of money rituals and the glamourization of negative behaviors in movies.

Attended by key figures in the Nigerian film industry, including producers, directors, actors, and industry association leaders, the event was organized by the NFVCB in collaboration with Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA).

Husseini emphasized the urgent need for decisive actions from all stakeholders, citing the potential harm posed by the portrayal of smoking and other vices in films, particularly on young audiences. The Minister of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy, Hannatu Musawa, has approved regulations aimed at curbing these practices, including the Prohibition of Money Ritual, Ritual Killing, Tobacco, and Glamorization of negative behaviors in audiovisual content.

The NFVCB plans to conduct extensive awareness campaigns in schools, communities, and other institutions to educate the public about the dangers of smoking and to promote positive health messages through creative content. By spearheading these initiatives, the NFVCB aims to uphold the integrity of the Nigerian film industry while safeguarding the well-being of its audiences.

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