Duchess International Women’s Day Conference 2024: Empowering Women and Girls Globally: Chief (Mrs) Elizabeth Ozua Advocates for Intentional Inclusion

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Chief (Mrs) Elizabeth Ozua, an Independent National Sales Director of Mary Kay Cosmetics UK & Ireland, has passionately called for the empowerment of women and girls worldwide, aiming to inspire inclusion. At the Duchess International Women’s Day Conference 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya, themed “Inspire Inclusion: Supporting Women and Girls in Leadership, STEM, Business, and Talent Development,” Chief Ozua delivered an inspiring presentation, highlighting key strategies for empowering women and girls.

During her presentation, Chief Ozua, a prominent speaker, mentor, trainer, and empowerment coach, emphasized the importance of building a unique blueprint for success. She introduced “The Six I’s” as a framework for personal and professional development. These include Identity, Inclusion, Incubation, Inspiration, Impact, and Impartation.

Chief Ozua delved into each “I,” starting with Identity, encouraging women and girls to reflect on how they see themselves and their potential. She stressed the significance of Inclusion, stating that belief and effort are crucial for authentic inclusion. She highlighted Incubation as a key process for nurturing dreams and values, urging participants to create a safe space for their aspirations.

Inspiration, according to Chief Ozua, is the result of incubating ideas, leading to clarity and realization. She emphasized the importance of Impact, noting that developed ideas can have a significant effect on one’s life and surroundings. Lastly, she discussed Impartation, emphasizing the growth of ideas and the importance of creating a positive environment for personal and professional growth.

Chief Ozua reiterated the significance of the Six I’s in achieving success and empowerment. She encouraged attendees to embrace these principles in their daily lives, emphasizing the importance of balance between work and personal life. Chief Ozua’s presentation resonated with the audience, inspiring them to strive for greatness and support women and girls in their communities.

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